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Philosophy Mind Map on FREE WILL & DETERMINISM, created by beth.kirby on 12/04/2013.
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If A then B, if no B no A.
Determinism: not remembering lecture, not going. remembering, going. Was there a choice here?
What would be the worth of choice function if determinism were true?
importance of FW: we like to feel people can be held accountable for their actions, we like to feel like we're in control of our own lives
(e.g. prior events include your own choices)
an arg for FW: if there was no free will, there would be no difference between those under compulsion (addiction) and ordinary non compulsive actions
P2: there is a diff
Conc: free will exists
Begs Q
Dennett: my actions are result of my conditioning and genes, then my choice responsibility on this basis - caused by other things but still yours
can't do this is life is determined
Why deny FW? belief everything is determined, everything has a cause and what happens is predetermined by past events
Hobbes: "Every act of a mans will procedeth from some cause"
Spinoza: "Man is necessarily always prey to his passions
KANT: held that we have to presuppose that every event is determined by a cause, if we didn't the thought of science would be impossible
Holbach: "he is born without his own consent"
for Holbach - how ever voluntary an action may seem to you, it's part of a cause and effect cycle, this goes outside of you & out of your control
"Whatever manner he is considered, is connected to universal Naure"
A system of Nature, Vol 1, 1770.
observation is reliable. Presuppose patterns
every event has a prior cause (water at 100 degrees), that prior cause determines next event (water boils) - the prior cause is also predet. caused
PREMISE 1: Every event is determined - it couldn't have happened differently
PREMISE 2: Human actions are also determined, they're events like any other.
Premise 2: Perhaps human actions are not events like any other?
Humans think about what they do before they do it? Is this FW? think but not action? not the case for nature - rain etc. no thinking involved
but our actions are then caused by our thought - are they physical events? Yes - doesn't affect determinist arg then.
But our actions just don't FEEL determined!
Determinist: it's just a powerful illusion
Wittgenstein's leaf analogy - thinks to itself in the wind - now i'll go this way, now i'll go that.
FW not compatible with science -- science tells us we are evolved creatures on a continuum so we would have to accept dogs, plants, ants have FW
Also, humans are subject to the laws of physics
Determinist - feeling of having free will exists only in some creatures
Taoist philosophy teaches everything happens in accordance with the tao inc. our actions
does this beg the Q? is it dependent on deterministic world view - physicists prepared to accept that some events aren't determined
but if actions are random rather than determined does this make them any closer to being free?
The No 3rd Way Arg.:
P1: cause is prior to effect
P2: nothing is prior to itself
Conc: nothing is the cause of itself
is this true? water at 100 degrees it boils IMMEDIATELY
No 3rd Way Arg (Version 2):
P1: cause is always distinct from it's effect
P2: nothing is distinct from itself
Conc: nothing is the cause of itself
still caused by itself/random - not free
Classical Free Will Theory: Human Actions are DIFFERENT.
agent causation: intelligent beings have actions which are independent
no truth of the matter of future states - before something happens its true nor false that they'll happen
we can't know something until it happens. Is this true?It is true that I will die, but it hasn't happened yet.
Clarence Darrow and the Trial of Leopold and Loeb (1924): said that their actions were due to their environment/genetics
hence they shouldn't he held accountable for the actions of someone else.
no free will = no blame
isn't it irrational to accept we can't praise or blame anyone?
determinists try to make sense of moral resp. in consequencialist reasons:
they deserve it, to protect society, to deter others
how does this make sense if they nor us have free will?
we can't affect how they will act in the future if it's predetermined
if we blame we must think that the could have done otherwise!
Schoolboy - didn't learn because he was stupid. Didn't learn because he was lazy.
in determinism, laziness and stupidity are traits with prior cases - could they have done otherwise?
SMART: jurisdiction of praising or blaming is pragmatic - blaming someone for being lazy might make them less lazy. Blaming them for being stupid
wont make them less stupid
so we can still praise/blame when we have no free will
produce a change doesn't accept people DESERVE it.
worries of consequentialism will affect this:
-To protect society - dangerous but innocent, guilty not violent?
As a deterrent - no fw = won't work. not known to be empirically effective
Rehabilitation - not known empirically whether rehab actually works
Rule utilitarianism: do what as general rule has good effects
so don't put people in prison if they're innocent as it's likely to have bad consequences - misses the point they're INNOCENT!
SMART'S approach is impersonal and instrumental
Don't confuse with fatalism - determinism doesn't say that smthng bound to happen no matter what else happens
previous factors ARE important to determ.
for praise and blame to be effective, we must accept actions have causes like intentions
Peter Strawson
Expressivist reasons - punishment of expressing society's approval/dissaproval of actions
punish people going against my values - Smart misses this
language is expressive: well done!
interpersonal situations - someone steps on your toe - RESENTMENT but they didn't mean to
Were they forced? mentally ill, addicted? continuously in this state of not meaning to - acceptance, no blame regardless of your loss
we therefore have an objective view
useful for conditioning regardless of determinism
determined conditioning (cause), better person (effect)
actions owned by them
even if no fw, it works with dogs!
Classical Free Will Theory
reject compatibilism - William James "makes the word free meaningless"
common sense understanding of free will
P1: our actions are not determined
P2: our actions are not random either
P3: We make things happen
what does it mean to say we make something happen
clouds cause rain - not fw
causes and effects can't pass through us, we are the origins of our actions
trick dice, not determined but not random. Weighted makes it unfree?
do we understand the nature of cause and effect? Hume first to point this out
Billiard balls - we don't actually see a ball causing another to move - we add the causality due to the regularity of experience of it
science itself gives us reason to believe there are things science cannot understand
consciousness - one of those things we don't understand - when we act consciously we act freely
we feel as though we're doing things and nothing else is causing us to do them
scientisim - science can answer every question, is this true?
even if we knew all the physical facts in the world there would still be things about the mind we don't know
does this mean we have a non physical soul? - Nagel not arguing for this but for the fact there are somethings that science cannot know
Nagel - there is something it is to be you - we will never know what it is like to be a bat.
directly aware we're doing something is the same as being directly aware of our thoughts
Chisholm: we're in a better position to know we're doing things than we are to know external events cause each other
our actions are caused by our minds, minds may be different from anything else in the world
this difference is free will - Brain = immediate cause of actions, we're conscious.
how is us doing things any different from inanimate objects?
1. Agent causation - Chisholm, 2. Volitional causation = Hodgson
1. Agent Causation - either something is caused by something else or its not caused at all - something else could be another event - an AGENT
events & agents = causes which then have effects
Aristotle, Physics 256a, "A staff moves a stone, and is moved by a hand, which is moved by a man."
for Chisholm there is a difference between an event causing something and an agent doing something
physical events can cause things, but an agent can cause and do things
you cause things to happen, but that doesn't mean that's what you're doing - grass is moved when staff is moved
direct experience - a third thing neither determined nor random
Volitional causation - when we act we're influenced by reason, but we're not determined by them
Some reasons are incommensurable with others - they have more weight
Hodgson- we can't often outweigh reasons against each other - some can't be reduced to algorithms
are algorithms underlying our reasons?
outcome of decision making nor random but reasoned consciously
weakness of will - sometimes we accept weaker reasons because of preferences
Neuroscience and Free Will
evolution: change through really small steps (gradualism). implies transformation from earlier to later lifeforms has to be through small changes
principle of uniformality states that living organisms are made of fundamentally unchanging stuff - so no special substance that organisms made of
we wouldn't say bacteria has free will
continuum - chimpanzees have free will? maybe? us, definitely?
how did fw evolve then? evolutionary emerging traits - eyes - but we can physcially see how these evolved!
how can FW gradually evolve?
Strawson - 'when X emerges from X, Y has to be explainable in terms of X, but fw is a type of causation not reducable to other types of causation
just because this proves it didn't evolve doesn't mean it doesn't exist
myths - we used to not know how bumblebees flew
problem for evolution not for CFWT
true for other things i.e. consciousness - evolutionary theory incomplete
psychological mechanisms inherited from stone age ancestors - products of natural selection, too complex to have come about by chance
evolutionary psychology implies genetic determinism - compelled by our genes to act in certain ways
Dawkins - genes and environment deciefer how an organism turns out
Benjamin Libet
person set up with machine which detects neuron movement/activity in the brain which comes out on a EGC
takes note of intention formed and then when action was performed
proves an awareness of intention around 200 miliseconds before action was performed
also build up of readiness potential to form action 550m/s before action
so process was already happening before the person because conscious of intention
when we act freely we're aware of ourselves initating the action - but Libet's experiment proves unconcious initation
epiphenomentalism - idea that consciousness is a by product of the brain's activity.
observer of our own actions - Hume's billard balls.
but perhaps there is a scientific mystery about free will and consciousness
if consciousness isn't involved the action, perhaps we can still explain the will?
Libet suggests there's enough time in the 200 milisecs for consciousness to act as a veto - a free won't
during build up of readiness potential
familiar with such self - vetoing events in everyday life
build up of readiness potential and the conscious awareness of it are necessary for an action to be free
people with tourettes have no build up of readiness potential
Haggard contrasts free actions not with ones with unconcious causes but with:
reflex actions
constrained actions - could act differently but you are constrained
Haggards account of unconstrained decision making
brain processes make decisions below your awareness taking in your personal beliefs about the world
1. Early decisions - do it or not do it
2. what will I do - task selection
3.Action selection - how will I do it?
4. Will i do it?
free won't - Haggards 4th stage allows freedom
Brass and Haggard (2007) - specific areas of the brain which developed more activity when people stopped themselves
free actions result of underlying neurological processes
CONC: actions are free - but he has redefined free - bad news for CFWT.
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