

Philosophy Mind Map on Miracles, created by joe_lamy on 12/04/2013.
Mind Map by joe_lamy, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by joe_lamy almost 12 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Miracles as Violations
    1. David HUME
      1. 'A transgression of a natural law by a particular volition of the Deity'
      2. Key claim that a miracle is a violation or breaking of a natural law
        1. The story of Moses parting the Red Sea 'Exodus 14:21) for example
        2. Objection to the violation defintion
          1. The definition assumes that we know what the laws of nature are
            1. Scientific knowledge is constantly changing
              1. Unless we know exactly all of the laws of nature, we are unable to comment on whether something is a miracle or not
              2. Alastair McKINNON
                1. If the laws of nature merely describe the actual course of events
            2. Miracles as Events with Religious Significance
              1. Problem of 'Violation'; coincidences are excluded
                1. R.F. HOLLAND
                  1. Example of the boy on a train track; the boy has no time to jump out of the way, however the driver had fainted and the automatic stop employed
                    1. THe mother of the boy thinks there is some religious significance
                      1. They are down to subjective interpretation
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