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Sacred Writing and Scripture
Philosophy (Religious Experience) Mind Map on Sacred Writing and Scripture, created by joe_lamy on 12/04/2013.
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, updated more than 1 year ago
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over 11 years ago
Resource summary
Sacred Writing and Scripture
Revelation: the act of God revealing himself or knowledge about himself and his will to human beings
Communication of knowledge to man by a divine or supernatural agency
Monotheistic religions, revelation is the process in which God makes himself or other information known to humankind
'All Scripture is divinely inspired and has its use for teaching the truth'
General Revelation
Revelation of God available to all people at all times
Available to all people at all times
Special Revelation
Revelation of God to specific people at specific times
Particular person at a particular time
Propositional Revelation
The idea that the process of revelation involves God revealing facts or information
God revealed himself; truths or facts about himself
For Aquinas, faith can be described as 'belief that'
In order to accept God's revelation, we are required to believe that certain propositions are true
Traditionally revelation of scripture has been understood in a propositional sense
Non-Propositional Revelation
The idea that God does not reveal facts or information during the process of revelation; God makes himself known during the experience
The experience is ineffable (too sacred to be described/uttered)
The writers attempt to put their experience into words later by reflecting on it
Friedrich Schleirmacher
Believed that the biblical texts came about as writers reflected on their religious experiences
Faith is 'Belief in'
Not a matter of facts or information; an attitude of trust and relationship
A more modern approach to scripture
When God is revealed to the writers via religious experience, facts and truths are NOT revealed
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