

Sociology (What is Crime & Deviance? (a)) Mind Map on Introduction, created by nuhaheza on 11/04/2013.
Mind Map by nuhaheza, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by nuhaheza almost 12 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Crime: an act which breaks the law of a society (e.g. murder, rape, kidnap)
    1. Deviance: behaviour which does not conform to society's norm and values (e.g. not wearing school uniform, talking to yourself)
    2. Norm AND crime
      1. Driving over 30mph in a built-up area
      2. Norm but NOT crime
        1. Buying fish & chips
        2. Deviant AND crime
          1. Robbing a bank
          2. Deviant but NOT crime
            1. Talking to yourself
            2. Crime, NOT deviant
              1. - Driving at 45 mph in a built-up area
                1. - Shoplifting
                  1. - Busking
              2. Crime AND deviant
                1. - Murder
                  1. - Child abuse
                    1. - Rape
                2. Deviant, NOT crime
                  1. Alcoholism
                    1. Talking to plants
                      1. Bright pink hair
                        1. Old people wearing teenage clothes
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