RiaAsPayer (Correspondant Send The Order)


High FxGlobal Mind Map on RiaAsPayer (Correspondant Send The Order), created by Jose Ramon Sagarna on 05/01/2016.
Jose Ramon Sagarna
Mind Map by Jose Ramon Sagarna, updated more than 1 year ago
Jose Ramon Sagarna
Created by Jose Ramon Sagarna over 8 years ago

Resource summary

RiaAsPayer (Correspondant Send The Order)
  1. Office Pick Up = 1, Home Delivery = 3
    1. GetCountriesStates
      1. GetStatesCities
        1. GetLocsCurrsRates
          1. GetAmountsAndReqs
            1. Request=CorrespID, LayoutVersion, Header, RequestType, Amount, AmountType, PayingCorrespID, PayingCorrespLocID, CountryFrom, CountryTo, CurrencyFrom, CurrencyTo, DeliveryMethod
              1. Response= Commissions Currency and Amounts
                1. GetOrdersValidated
                  1. InputOrders
                    1. Response= PCOrderNO, PIN, Notification Code= 1000, NotificationDesc = "Success"
                      1. Request= Required Fields from GetOrdersValidated (1st Call)
                        1. InputCancelationRequests
                          1. Request = SCOrderNo
                            1. Notification Code= 1000, NotificationDesc = "Success"
                          2. Request= Required Fields from GetOrdersValidated (1st Call)
                            1. Response = <Passed>true</Passed>
                          3. Request=CountryCode, StateName (Optional), CityName (Optional)
                            1. Response=Location Information, Delivery Methods, Rates
                            2. Request= CountryCode, StateName(optional)
                              1. Response= State Name And/Or City Name
                              2. Request= SendingCorrespID
                                1. Response=ISO code for each Country and State
                              3. BANK DEPOSIT TRANSACTIONS
                                1. Select a Bank from Excel File
                                  1. GetRates
                                    1. Request= CountryFrom, CurrencyFrom, CountryTo, CurrencyTo, CorrespID, DateDesired, (see restrictive levels in documentation)
                                      1. GetOrderCommission
                                        1. Request= DeliveryMethod:2, PaymentCurrency, PaymentAmount, BeneficiaryCurrency, BeneficiaryAmount, PayingCorrespLocID, SalesDate
                                          1. Response = Commission Amount and Commission Currency
                                            1. GetOrdersValidated (1st Call)
                                              1. Request=OrderNo, SalesDate, SalesTime, CountryFrom, CountryTo, SendingCorrespBranchNo, PayingCorrespLocID, BeneficiaryCurrency, BeneficiaryAmount, DeliveryMethod, PaymentCurrency, PaymentAmount, CommissionCurrency, CommissionAmount,ProviderID,BankId
                                                1. Response = Required Fields
                                                  1. GetOrdersValidated (2nd Call)
                                                    1. InputOrders
                                                      1. Request= Required Fields from GetOrdersValidated (1st Call)
                                                        1. Response= PCOrderNO, PIN, Notification Code= 1000, NotificationDesc = "Success"
                                                          1. InputCancelationRequests
                                                            1. Request = SCOrderNo
                                                              1. Notification Code= 1000, NotificationDesc = "Success"
                                                          2. Request= Required Fields from GetOrdersValidated (1st Call)
                                                            1. Response = <Passed>true</Passed>
                                                        2. Response = Rate
                                                    2. Order status
                                                      1. Request = SCOrderNo
                                                        1. Response = CurrentStatus
                                                        2. Reports
                                                          1. GetDailyOrders
                                                            1. Request = TypeID=”Order”, TypeID = “Order Comm”, TypeID = “Cancel Comm”
                                                              1. Response = Orders by Branch
                                                                1. GetDailyOrdersSummary
                                                                  1. Request = SendingCorrespID
                                                                    1. Response = Orders Summary
                                                                Show full summary Hide full summary


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