Cluster Pre-writing Exercise for the Introduction of a Research Paper


Cluster pre-writing exercise for the introduction of a research paper on "College Graduates Employment Opportunities"
Professor Q
Mind Map by Professor Q, updated more than 1 year ago
Professor Q
Created by Professor Q about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Cluster Pre-writing Exercise for the Introduction of a Research Paper
  1. Importance of college graduates employment
    1. Background details of the unemployment of college graduates
      1. Specific details about the unemployment of college graduates
        1. Problem college graduates face in the labor market
          1. Pressure of getting a job
            1. Lack of jobs
              1. Unknown processes or changes in the market
          2. High unemployment rate
            1. Increased migration to the USA
              1. Government policy and data on labor
          3. Large number of college graduates
            1. Competition among students of many universities
              1. Disadvantages: demographic, economic, social
          4. Professionalism
            1. Working in the field of study
              1. Availability of jobs
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