Organizing Knowledge


terms related to organization of information and data
Mind Map by natalie.piernak, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by natalie.piernak about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Organizing Knowledge
  1. Models and Standards
    1. FRBR
      1. conceptual model describing relationships between entities and their attributes
      2. RDA
        1. cataloging standard that describes all library resources
          1. designed with users search habits in mind
            1. makes library data work better with other data on the Web
          2. EAD
            1. XML standard for encoding archival finding aides
          3. Key Terms for Handling Traditional Information
            1. Classification
              1. process of organizing according to shared qualities
              2. Cataloging
                1. making a systematic list of items of the same type
                2. Subject Analysis
                  1. deciding aboutness and assigning a subject heading
                  2. Bibliographic Description
                    1. title, author, publisher, etc.
                    2. Metadata
                      1. data describing other data
                    3. Key Terms for Handling Digital Information
                      1. Browser
                        1. software program that allows user to find encoded documents in a form suitable for display
                          1. Examples
                            1. Tor
                              1. portable software
                              2. Internet Explorer
                                1. Google Chrome
                                  1. Firefox
                                    1. Safari
                                      1. Opera
                                    2. Search Engine
                                      1. searches databases for keywords to find related websites in order of relevancy
                                        1. Examples
                                          1. Bing
                                            1. Google
                                              1. Yahoo
                                            2. Interface
                                              1. Graphical
                                                1. provides "picture-oriented" way for user to communicate with computer
                                                2. Programming
                                                  1. uses set of statements, functions, etc. to provide instructions to computer
                                                3. Controlled Vocabulary
                                                  1. established list of subject headings for indexing and retrieval of info
                                                    1. need to know what heading your topic is listed under
                                                  2. Natural Language Processing
                                                    1. ability of a computer to understand human speech as its spoken
                                                      1. searches keywords in title and full text for instances of word
                                                        1. may not be relevant
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