

food (primary and secondary foods) Mind Map on cereals, created by kat1jj on 09/04/2013.
Mind Map by kat1jj, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by kat1jj over 11 years ago

Resource summary

  1. primary foods, which can be processed into other ingredients and products
    1. cheap to produce
      1. whole grain, cereals are rich sources of:
        1. carbohydrates
          1. fats
            1. oils
              1. LBV protein
              2. storage: cool dry place, airtight container
                1. wheat
                  1. milled to make flour
                    1. couscous, pasta, breakfast cereals
                      1. types of wheat flour
                        1. whole meal flour
                          1. 100%- of the germ, bran and endosperm
                            1. brown colour and grainy texture
                          2. brown flour
                            1. 85-90%
                              1. light brown colour, grainy texture
                            2. white flour
                              1. 70%bran and germ removed
                                1. has to be fortified by law with iron, calcium etc. to replace lost nutrients
                                  1. smooth texture
                                  2. strong plain flour- high gluten for bread making
                                    1. self raising- includes raising agent
                                      1. soft flour- low gluten, for cakes+pastries
                                        1. gluten-free
                                      2. rice
                                        1. brown rice- highly nutricious
                                          1. rich in fibre, lbv protein, starchy carbohyrate
                                            1. nutty+chewy texture
                                            2. staple food
                                              1. easy to cook+prepare+long shelf life
                                              2. maize/corn
                                                1. popping corn
                                                  1. illed into corn flour
                                                    1. used to manufacture breakfast cereals
                                                      1. corn on the cob
                                                        1. thickening agent for sauces and liquids
                                                        2. oats
                                                          1. manufacturers roll and crush oats between heated rollers to soften them and partially cook them
                                                            1. porridge
                                                              1. muesli-type breakfast cereals
                                                                1. biscuits
                                                                Show full summary Hide full summary


                                                                Food Safety
                                                                Andrew Burke
                                                                German: Food and drink
                                                                Ben Stevenson
                                                                Izzy Fox
                                                                Food Packaging
                                                                Food Technology - Functions of ingredients
                                                                Food Technology - KEY TERMS
                                                                Dani Whitrick
                                                                Kitchen Safety WHS
                                                                Carly Saunders
                                                                Food Technology- Minerals and Vitamins