Organisational Theory


Mind Map on Organisational Theory, created by ty.brydon on 27/11/2013.
Mind Map by ty.brydon, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by ty.brydon over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Organisational Theory
  1. Classical Approach
    1. Traditional Approach
      1. Command and control
        1. authorative
          1. bureaucratic
            1. Transactional
              1. Eliminate human error
                1. Division of Labour
                  1. Standardisation
                    1. Rules/procedures
                      1. Remove worker discretion
              2. Criticism
                1. Boring meaningless jobs
                  1. Division of labour
                  2. Sees people as
                    1. Greedy robots
                      1. Only motivated by money
                  3. Human Relations Approach
                    1. Focuses on Psychological
                      1. Emotional needs
                      2. Organisations
                        1. Co-operative Social Systems
                        2. Job Design
                          1. Satisfy human needs
                            1. Satsify org objectives
                              1. Job enlargement
                                1. Increase variety
                                  1. Learn new skills
                                  2. Job enrichment
                                    1. Increase worker control
                                  3. Stresses
                                    1. Intrinsic motivation
                                      1. Participative Leadership
                                        1. Communication
                                          1. Collaboration
                                          2. Criticisms
                                            1. Ignores the outside world
                                              1. One best way
                                                1. Manipulative
                                              2. Contingency Theory
                                                1. No one best way for all
                                                  1. Best way for each
                                                  2. Best management style depends
                                                    1. Situational
                                                      1. Environment
                                                        1. Stable
                                                          1. Unpredictable
                                                          2. Work tasks
                                                            1. Routine
                                                              1. Non routine
                                                              2. Key Contingencies
                                                                1. Environmental uncertainty
                                                                  1. Size
                                                                    1. Technology
                                                                  2. Mechanistic or Organic
                                                                    1. Mechanistic
                                                                      1. Bureaucratic
                                                                        1. High specialisation
                                                                          1. Clear chain of command
                                                                            1. Narrow spans of control
                                                                            2. More like classical approach
                                                                              1. Slow Change
                                                                              2. Organic
                                                                                1. Cross functional teams
                                                                                  1. Wide spans
                                                                                    1. Rapid change
                                                                                      1. Flexible/adaptive
                                                                                2. Business
                                                                                  1. Ever Changing
                                                                                    1. Environment
                                                                                      1. Business
                                                                                        1. Technological
                                                                                          1. Political
                                                                                            1. Economic
                                                                                            2. Result on management style?
                                                                                          Show full summary Hide full summary


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