Module 4 Constructing Deviance


a study guide for alder and alder part 4
Mind Map by rallen3, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by rallen3 over 9 years ago
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Resource summary

Module 4 Constructing Deviance
  1. Moral entrepreneurs: those who construct moral meanings and associate them with certain acts
    1. Draw on institutions, agencies, symbols, ideas,and communication to audience
    2. Facets of deviance
      1. Rule creating: politicians, teachers, parents, school admin, and business leaders. They create public morality through a process of stages
        1. Stage 1: Awareness of the problem Stage 2: Convincing others
        2. Rule enforcing: police, prosecuters, judges
        3. Differential social power
          1. Labeling: some groups have more social power than others, the yset the definitions of deciance and impose labels on people
            1. Resisting labeling: some groups are powerful enough to resist labels
            2. Social construction of drug scares
              1. Drug scares and drug laws: not simply a reflection of problems people are experiencing
                1. 7 Elements to drug scares: a kernel of truth, media magnification, moral entrepreneurs, professional intrest groups, historical context of conflict, link drug use for a variety of social problems
                  1. Drug scare frequency in America: All too frequent due to 3 reasons. We blame drugs for social problems. American society is capitalist society, emphasis on self control, We live in a consumer culture
                  2. Status politics and the creation of deviance.
                    1. Socially constructed , creates political competition
                      1. Moral crusades: Dominated by members of upper social class: may be assimilative or coercive
                        1. Assimilative: sympathy for deviance; higher moral plane (Education)
                          1. Coercive: deviants viewed as denying moral superiority of reformers (Law and Force)
                        2. Bad reputations: Someone labeled as deviant may experience negative stereotypes, lead to blocked opportunities, and tighter social control
                          1. Good reputations: convey advantages ( Halo Effect)
                            1. Claim smackers: compete in social problems. Sometimes they rework their claims in order to make them more persuasive
                              1. Blow back: unanticipated negative consequences of social action
                              2. Gang: 3 or more people engaged in criminal activity either collectively or individually
                                1. Broken window theory: focus on enforcement efforts on minor offenses to prevent social and physical disorder and thus reduce the level of overall crime
                                  1. Police misconduct: excessive force, illegals treated worse, 80% of misconduct occurs during an arrest and takes place in the evening time.
                                  2. Incarceration trends: 2 million currently incarcerated; longer sentences; greater range of offenses; little planning for release, limited future employment, 40% return within 3 years
                                    1. Medical kickbacks: payments from one party to another in exchange for referred business or other money producing deals.
                                      1. Fee splitting: when one physician receives payment from a surgeon or other specialist in exchange for patient referrals.
                                        1. Self referrals: involve sending patients to specialized medical facilities in which the physician has financial interest.
                                          1. Prescription violation: over prescribe or misprescribe drugs to patients resulting in serious illness or death.
                                            1. Unnecessary treatments: recommended to patients because of financial gain for the doctor not the patient.
                                              1. Sexual misconduct: sex may be exchanged for professional service.
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