
hettie rankin
Mind Map by hettie rankin, updated more than 1 year ago
hettie rankin
Created by hettie rankin about 2 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Stores and releases chemical energy
    1. This provides energy for muscle contractions
      1. Triglycerides are broken down to produce ATP
        1. Carbon dioxide and oxygen are waste products
          1. Aerobic glycosis
            1. Converts carbohydrates into pyruvicc acid using oxygen
            2. Krebs cycle
              1. Pyruvic acid is converted into citric acid
                1. CO2 and H are waste products
                  1. CO2 expired
                    1. H used in electron transport train
                  2. Occurs in mitochondria
                  3. Electron transport train
                    1. Hydrogen is accepted by the H receptor in the mitochondria
                      1. This is then combined with oxygen to produce ATP
                        1. 34 ATP molecules produced
                      2. Recovery time is 2-3 days
                        1. triglycerides are broken down into 3 fatty acids and 1 glycerol by LIPOLYSIS
                      3. LACTATE SYSTEM
                        1. Anerobic
                          1. Glycolysis breaks down carbohydrates into glucose
                          2. Glucose is stored in the liver as glycogen.
                            1. This is so it is easily available
                            2. 1 glucose molecule = 2 ATP
                              1. 1 glycogen molecule = 3 ATP
                                1. Pyruvic acid is broken down into lactic acid.
                                  1. This inhibits contractions and creates fatigue.
                                  2. Recovery time is 8 minutes
                                  3. ATP-PC alactic system
                                    1. Anerobic
                                      1. PC is a high energy compound.
                                        1. when this is broken then it can be used to resynthesises ATP
                                        2. 1molecule of PC = 1 molecule ATP
                                          1. Energy system can only be used for 10 seconds
                                            1. work : recovery ratio is 1:10 seconds
                                          2. Adaptations
                                            1. 1) increased creatine stores
                                              1. 2) increased tolerance to lactic acid
                                                1. Aerobic energy systems are more efficient
                                                  1. increase use of fats as an energy source
                                                    1. Increased storage of glycogen
                                                      1. Increased mitochondria storage
                                                      Show full summary Hide full summary


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