Dreams and Goals


Anne v
Mind Map by annevds00, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by annevds00 over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Dreams and Goals
  1. 15 years
    1. begin a family
      1. have a secure job
        1. stay in touch with my siblings
        2. 5 years
          1. go on a foreign exchange
            1. sing in the chorus of Mozart's Requiem
              1. be independent at a different university
              2. 1 Year
                1. sing a solo in my choir
                  1. visit my brother in New York
                    1. get a job
                    2. 20 years
                      1. create my dream home
                        1. go on a cross-country road trip
                          1. raise my teens to be independent
                          2. 10 years
                            1. bike around the Gulf Islands
                              1. get married
                                1. live on my own
                                2. 25 years
                                  1. go back to school to get a music degree
                                    1. be a more forgiving person
                                      1. be a role model to my children
                                      2. 50 years
                                        1. move to Austria for a year
                                          1. be connected to my grandchildren
                                            1. be healthy and active
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