Social Theory: An Introduction


introduction to social theory
Mind Map by hayleylawrence, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by hayleylawrence over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Social Theory: An Introduction
  1. Macro-Sociological (Quantitative)
    1. Structural Functionalism
      1. Society is unified as a whole, that functions because of the contributions of it's separate functions
        1. (Human Body Analogy)
        2. Emile Durkheim: 1838-1917
          1. 'Ordered System'
            1. Even dsyfunction/disorder creates new forms of social cohesion
            2. Conflict Theory
              1. Societies inequalities is a principle cause of conflict in society
                1. Emphasising a materialistic approach
                  1. "Karl Marx"
                    1. Present time; Conflict theory perspective has expanded to explore things such as; Race, Culture, Mass-Media, etc
                  2. Micro-Sociological (Qualitative)
                    1. Symbolic Interactionism
                      1. Asserts that interaction and meaning are central to society and assumes that meanings are not inherent but are created through interaction
                        1. "Max Weber"
                          1. Individuals are going to act based on their perspective of themselves
                        2. Post-Modernism (Society Now)
                          1. Claims that society id going through an Epochal Shift beyond modernity
                            1. Suggests that society reality is diverse, pluralistic and constantly in flux.
                              1. Began in the 18th Century - Values specific knowledge
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