comic book creation


creation for comic book work
Rhone Bennett
Mind Map by Rhone Bennett, updated more than 1 year ago
Rhone Bennett
Created by Rhone Bennett over 9 years ago

Resource summary

comic book creation
  1. super hero comic
    1. Superhero comics are a form of American comic books. The form rose to prominence in the 1930s and 1940s and has remained the dominant form of comic book in North America since the 1960s. Superhero comics feature stories about superheroes and the universes these characters inhabit.
      1. this genre was chosen due to the fact that my most enjoyed comics are the super hero ones such as; what i consider the father of the superhero comic superman, one of my most favorite comics the flash and others. And these chracters are who influenced my characters heavily.
    2. teen humor
      1. Teen humor comics is a genre of comics that humorously depicts contemporary American teenagers. When teen culture and buying power emerged in the early 1940s, comics publishers were quick to glut the newsstands with light-hearted, innocuous comic books about funny teens, cars, dating, high school, and parents. Teen humor comics appealed especially to young teen girls and tweens of both sexes because the books gave them a glimpse of what awaited them in high school.
        1. i wanted this genre of comics to be glimpsed in my comic. Due to the dark tone of my comic i felt some comic relief was necessary in order to keep my targeted audience interested in the read. this is also the other reason i wanted teen humor to be involved and thats simply due to the fact that teens is also who this comic is directed at
      2. types of panel
        1. Panel A panel, frame or box is one drawing on a page, and contains a segment of action. A page may have one or many panels, and panels are frequently, but not always, surrounded by a border or outline, whose shape can be altered to indicate emotion, tension or flashback sequences. The size, shape and style of a panel, as well as the placement of figures and speech balloons inside it, affect the timing or pacing of a story. Panels are used to break up and encapsulate sequences of events in a narrative. What occurs in a panel may be asynchronous, meaning that not everything that occurs in a single panel necessarily occurs at one time.
          1. i consider this important as the comic panels compliment the story and make it easier for the reader to digest
        2. comic book definition
          1. Also known as a comic or floppy, a comic book is a periodical, normally thin and stapled together. Comic books have a greater variety of units of encapsulation than comic strips, including the panel, the page, the spread and inset panels. They are also capable of more sophisticated layouts and compositions.
            1. the reason i wanted to focus on comics as my main focus was because growing up super hero movies and series was of great importance to me i watched them all and seen them all but i found out that they sometimes they sometimes, more times than not, would differ from the source matterial and this made me interested in how the story wouldve/shouldve turned out so i read the comics to the respected movies and henceforth my love was conceived
          2. the methods i used to complete the comic
            1. - simple sketches of characters
              1. - then used felttip to draw over
                1. - scanned onto computer before being enhanced and coloured in
                  1. - then i place in my drawn script
                    1. then any retouching before finally finishing
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