Lanuguage techniqes


year 8 English Mind Map on Lanuguage techniqes, created by $wagalishousjess on 06/11/2013.
Mind Map by $wagalishousjess, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by $wagalishousjess almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Lanuguage techniqes
  1. Similes
    1. A simile is a way of comparing two things 'like' or 'as'
    2. Onomatopoeia
      1. A word that imitates the sound it represents eg. The "Click" of this fingers. The "hiss" of a snake.
      2. Alitteration
        1. Alliteration is the deliberate repetition of comsonant sounds. eg. coca cola, pay pal, crazy clarks.
        2. Personification
          1. Personification is giving non-living things human qualiys
          2. Hyperbole
            1. Hyperbole is purpose exaggeration. e.g. "I've done this a million times"
            2. Assonance
              1. Assonance is where the writer repeats the same vowel sound in words.
              2. Imagery
                1. Imagery is the mental pictures that writers create in the readers imaginations.
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