CPP - Module 4


CPP - Module 4 - Retirement Benefit
Mind Map by kavita.batra, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by kavita.batra over 9 years ago

Resource summary

CPP - Module 4
  1. Retirement Benefit - 7 h


    • Duration seems too low, does it include self-paced Learning?
    1. 4.7 Workbook - 61 Qs
      1. 4.1 Eligibility - 13 Qs


        • Qs do not include sub-Qs
        1. 4.1A History of the Retirement Benefit
          1. Define what the RTR benefit is
            1. Determine the eligibility conditions for an RTR benefit
              1. Determine if the applicant ceased working or has reduced their income below a specific amounnt for a specified period of time, where applicable
                1. Establish the effective date of an RTR benefit
                  1. Recognize when an application must be denied
                    1. Quiz - 4 Qs


                      • Section 4.1 of workbook
                      1. Denying RTR
                        1. eligibility requirements not met
                          1. multiple applications
                            1. Denial Letters
                      2. in or after Jan 1995, prior/after to Jan 2012
                        1. Retroactive entitlement
                          1. Deeming the date application
                          2. PRB earnings and contributions
                            1. Pensionable earning before/after Jan. 2012
                          3. Conditions of eligibility
                            1. One valid contribution
                              1. Application in writing
                                1. Age to appy
                                  1. Cessation Test
                            2. 4.2 Screening RTR Applications - 9 Qs
                              1. Review Application for RTR
                                1. Online RTR Appplications
                                  1. With signature page
                                    1. No signature page
                                  2. Application Under an Agreement in Social Security
                                    1. Identify supporting doumentation required
                                      1. Recognize post-mortem applications
                                        1. Incomplete applications
                                          1. Quiz - 5 Qs
                                    2. 4.2 Screening RTR Applications (CBT) - 9 Qs
                                    3. 4.3 Calculations - 9 Qs
                                      1. Calculate a Full RTR at age 65
                                        1. Formulae to adjust RTR for applicant Under/over 65
                                          1. Adjusted benefit
                                            1. Calculating # of months
                                              1. Calculate actuarially increased or decreased RTR benefit
                                                1. Flexible RTR formulae
                                                  1. Quiz - 5 Qs
                                            2. 4.4 System Input - 12 Qs
                                              1. Confirm Benefit Activity
                                                1. Data Capture an RTR Application
                                                  1. ITRDS Data Capture
                                                    1. RTR Scenarios
                                                      1. Basic RTR
                                                        1. RTR with VTW
                                                          1. Simulate RTR scenario
                                                            1. RTR with CRP' Multiple RTR Application, RTR wih Interim Earnings, Post-mortem RTR, Data Capture errors
                                                              1. RTRa Data Porting
                                                                1. Quiz - 1 Q/Scenario
                                                      2. 4.5 System Output - 1 Q


                                                        • 5 sub Qs
                                                        1. System Output products
                                                          1. ITRDS Updates
                                                            1. RTR in pay on Benefits screen
                                                              1. Data Capture session
                                                                1. Adjudication Details
                                                                  1. Monetary
                                                                    1. Notice of entitlement
                                                                      1. Payment
                                                                        1. RTR Denied
                                                                          1. Quiz - 8 Qs
                                                                2. 4.6 Cessation
                                                                  1. Identify circumstances with an RTR benefits can be withdrawn
                                                                    1. Identify when an RTR can be volunatarily cancelled
                                                                      1. Cancellation of an RTR
                                                                        1. Cancellation of an RTR in favour of a DSB
                                                                          1. Procedures for cancellation
                                                                          2. Recognize when an RTR should be suspended
                                                                            1. Death
                                                                              1. Other reasons
                                                                                1. Quiz - 3 Qs
                                                                        2. 4.0 Introduction
                                                                          1. 4.8 Kool Tool


                                                                            • Job aid for Eligibility, documentation, Post mortem, adjustment rate, calculation, actuarial before/after 65
                                                                          Show full summary Hide full summary


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