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FedEx Information Systems
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fed ex
Mind Map by
tammy tian
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
tammy tian
over 9 years ago
Resource summary
FedEx Information Systems
Transaction Process System
Keep track of details such as weight & volume
Each package weight is unknown and planes are often not fully loaded or overloaded, causing inefficiency.
With the weight of the packages, transport can be fully utilized and delivered efficiently.
Determine price per item
Receptionist are unable to answer the customers about the price.
Customers can know the price of their package on the spot.
Help locate item's destination
Customers are unable to know where their package is currently at and cannot gauge the arrival of it.
Customers can easily access the location of their parcels.
Management Information System
Monitor item's status
Customers have no clue as to where their package is
Customer are able to know where their package is in real time.
Coordinate transport
Delivery line is interrupted and transport is left to deliver nothing.
Delivery line is interrupted and transport is re-coordinated to deliver other packages.
Decision Support System
Analyze business data
Packages go missing or deliveries are delayed. No follow-up provided.
Packages go missing or deliveries are delayed. DSS provide the information required for decision-making.
Customer Relationship Management System
Manage business interactions with current & future customers
Customers only fill up service satisfaction forms.
Provide information to make sure business processes are in line with customers' expectations.
Organize, automate & synchronize
All feedback are hard copied and overlooked.
Customer's feedback are easily accessible and organized to categories.
Knowledge Management System
Stores & retrieves knowledge
Business sticks to old traditions and does not develop any new ideas.
Able to find more ideas such as effective ways to package the goods and deliver them at a faster and cheaper way.
Enterprise System
Support business processes & information flow.
Information between functional areas take time to be communicated.
Integrated system allows communication to be smooth. Allowing faster decision-making & faster follow-ups.
Executive Support System
Turn business data into reports
Managers go through piles of data to find out what they need. Waste lots of time and effort.
Managers can quickly at a glance learn about the financial statuses, staff, schedules and more through the reports.
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