The car as a system


English Mind Map on The car as a system, created by enrico Anijago on 07/04/2021.
enrico Anijago
Mind Map by enrico Anijago, updated more than 1 year ago
enrico Anijago
Created by enrico Anijago about 3 years ago

Resource summary

The car as a system
  1. engine
    1. power transmission
      1. the running gear
        1. subsystems
          1. ECU, crank gear, lubrication, cooling, exhaust, air intake
            1. clutch, transmission, cardan, final drive
              1. suspension, brakes, wheels
                1. body, side impact protection system, chassis
                  1. lighting, ignition, CAN bus, comfort equipment
                2. car body
                  1. electrical system
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