Physics Exam 2


Mind Map on Physics Exam 2, created by wshield on 23/10/2013.
Mind Map by wshield, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by wshield over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Physics Exam 2
  1. Circular Motion
    1. Acceleration is not constant
      1. analyzed in terms of accel and Forces
        1. Uniform circular motion
          1. Direction is always changing
            1. vector is always tangent to circle
              1. Period of motion
                1. T=2pi(r)/v
                2. centripetal acceleration
                  1. ac=v^2/r
                3. Force directed toward center of circle
                  1. Tbottom=m(v^2/r +g)
                    1. Ttop=m(v^2/r -g)
                    2. Gravitation
                      1. Fgrav=Mperson(g)=GMpersonMearth/r^2earth
                      2. Work and Energy
                        1. W=F(displacement)
                          1. Newtons x meter= Joule
                            1. Kinetic energy
                              1. 1/2mv^2
                              2. potential energy
                                1. W=mgh
                                  1. PEchange=PEfinal-PEinitial=-W
                                  2. mechanical energy
                                    1. sum of potential and kinetic energies
                                    2. Power
                                      1. Pave=W/t
                                    3. Momentum
                                      1. p=mv
                                      2. impulse
                                        1. F(change in t)=change in momentum
                                        2. collisions
                                          1. elastic
                                            1. energy conserved
                                            2. inelastic
                                              1. kinetic energy is lost
                                            3. Rotational Dynamics
                                              1. wf=wi+at
                                                1. theta(final)=theta)initial)+wt+1/2at^2
                                                  1. wf^2=wi^2+2a(thetaf-thetai)
                                                    1. theta=s/r
                                                      1. angular velocity
                                                        1. w ave= change in theta/change in t
                                                        2. linear and angular accelerations
                                                          1. at=ar
                                                        Show full summary Hide full summary


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