The Periods of Music History


Mind Map on The Periods of Music History, created by Grace Marshall on 14/06/2015.
Grace Marshall
Mind Map by Grace Marshall, updated more than 1 year ago
Grace Marshall
Created by Grace Marshall over 9 years ago

Resource summary

The Periods of Music History
  1. Baroque
    1. 1600-1750
      1. Harpsichord
        1. Sonatra, Concerto, Sinfonia, Ground Bass, Cantata, Oratorio
          1. Pachabel (Cannon
            1. Vivaldi
              1. Purcell
                1. Bach
                  1. Handel
            2. Rhythmic, elaborate, ornamental, dramaatic
            3. Classical
              1. 1750-1820
                1. Haydn
                  1. Mozart
                    1. Beethoven
                      1. Clementi
                  2. Simple, beautiful, elagant, phrased
                    1. String Quartet
                      1. Serenade
                        1. Symphony
                      2. Pianoforte
                      3. Romantic
                        1. 1820-1900
                          1. Chopin
                            1. Tchaikovsky
                              1. Liszt
                                1. Wagner
                                  1. Schuman
                            2. Character pieces, tone poems, songs
                              1. Dramatic, emotional, virtuocis, harmonies, contrasting
                                1. Fortepiano
                                2. Modern
                                  1. 1900-present
                                    1. Rachmaninoff
                                      1. Bartok
                                        1. Prokofiev
                                          1. Copland
                                          2. Stravinsky
                                            1. Cage
                                      2. Experimental
                                        1. Atonal
                                          1. Variety
                                        2. Modern piano
                                          1. Holst
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