

Mind map about the 6 religions
Mind Map by ilonahlovyak14, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by ilonahlovyak14 about 9 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Christianity
    1. Symbols
      1. Cross, Ichthus
      2. Holy Places
        1. Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Church, Cathedral, Chapel, Meeting Hall
        2. Holy Days
          1. Easter- Jesus rises from the dead, Christmas- celebration of the birth of Jesus, Lent- period of time before Easter, Advent- period of time before Christmas
          2. Holy People
            1. Priest, Minister, Bishop, Pope
              1. FOUNDER- Jesus
              2. Rituals
                1. Baptism, Confirmation
                2. Basic Beliefs
                  1. Golden Rule
                    1. 1 God(Mono)
                      1. Love and serve God
                        1. Have faith in Christ's resurrection
                          1. After life
                            1. Bible is Holy book
                          2. Judaism
                            1. Founder
                              1. Abraham
                              2. God
                                1. Yahweh(Mono)
                                2. Sacred Text
                                  1. Torah
                                  2. Leaders
                                    1. Rabbis
                                    2. Celebration/Holidays
                                      1. Bar/Bat Mitzvah mark the passage into adulthood
                                        1. Passover, Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur are important holidays
                                        2. Kosher Rules
                                          1. A connection to God (no pork, no shellfish, etc.
                                        3. Islam
                                          1. God
                                            1. Allah(Mono)
                                            2. Founder
                                              1. Mohammed
                                              2. Sacred Text
                                                1. Quran
                                                2. Five Pillars
                                                  1. Shahadah
                                                    1. Zakat
                                                      1. Hajj
                                                    2. Hinduism
                                                      1. Symbols
                                                        1. Om/Aum
                                                        2. Holy Places
                                                          1. Temple, Ganges River
                                                          2. Holy Days
                                                            1. Diwali, Holi
                                                            2. Holy People
                                                              1. Guru or Sage
                                                              2. Basic Beliefs
                                                                1. Many Gods (Poly),
                                                                  1. Obtain freedom from reincarnation
                                                                    1. Follow dharma
                                                                      1. Re-birth
                                                                      2. Sacred Texts
                                                                        1. Vedas, Upanishads, Sutras, Bhagavad Gita
                                                                      3. Sikhism
                                                                        1. Symbols
                                                                          1. Khanda
                                                                          2. Holy Places
                                                                            1. Temple, gurdware
                                                                            2. Holy Days
                                                                              1. Vaisakhi Day, Birthday of Guru Nanak, Diwali
                                                                              2. Basic Beliefs
                                                                                1. Monotheistic (God) (Mono)
                                                                                  1. Five K's
                                                                                    1. Kesh-uncut hair
                                                                                      1. Kacch- white cotton undershorts
                                                                                        1. Kara- steel bracelet
                                                                                          1. Kanga- wooden comb
                                                                                            1. Kirpan- ceremonical dagger
                                                                                        2. Buddhism
                                                                                          1. Dharma wheel
                                                                                            1. Right understanding, Right thought, Right speech, Right action, Right livelihood, Right effort, Right mindfulness, Right concentration
                                                                                            2. Noble Eightfold Path
                                                                                              1. Being moral, focusing, develop wisdom, understand the 4 noble truths, develop compassion
                                                                                              2. Karma
                                                                                                1. Every cause has an effect
                                                                                                2. Wisdom
                                                                                                  1. Good hearted fool vs. knowledge without emotion.
                                                                                                  2. Compassion
                                                                                                    1. We understand others when we understand ourselves
                                                                                                  Show full summary Hide full summary


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