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RE B601 - End of Life
GCSE RE Mind Map on RE B601 - End of Life, created by Beth Coiley on 26/05/2015.
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heaven and hell
Mind Map by
Beth Coiley
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
Beth Coiley
over 9 years ago
Resource summary
RE B601 - End of Life
Christian beliefs about Heaven
Medieval beliefs
More traditional - angels playing harps etc
New Testament
No suffering or pain - God will rule Earth
Beatific vision
Some believe they will have a direct view of God
And that this will give total happiness
Apostle's Creed
People will have their physical body in heaven
Many Christians simply believe that...
Heaven is being in God's presence
Quotes to include
"There will be no death or mourning or crying or pain"
Revelation 21:4
"The right time has come... And the Kingdom of God is near!"
Mark 1:15
Catholic beliefs about Hell
Hell is eternal
Some Catholics believe that Hell is not a place...
...It is simply a state of being.
Other Christian beliefs about Hell
Some Christians believe that...
Hell is simply a place without God.
Quotes to include
"And the smoke of their torment goes up for ever and ever;
"And they have no rest, day or night, these worshipers of the beast and its image..."
Revelation 14:11
"Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire!
Roman Catholic beliefs about Purgatory
Very few people are ready to go to heaven after death
... because they are not free from sin.
So they go to purgatory
And stay there until their souls are ready for heaven
Fire - to 'cleanse their souls'
Quotes to include
"The faithful who are still pilgrims on Earth...
... Are able to help the souls in purgatory...
... By offering prayers in suffrage for them."
This means that Catholics often pray for the deceased
While other Christian denominations do not.
Jesus died on the cross...
... To redeem the sins of humanity.
All humans, believers in God or not, can be redeemed.
The soul
Christian beliefs about the soul
Non-physical part of us that makes us unique
Completes us as people
Plays a large part in guiding us during life
Most Christians believe that humans have souls and animals do not
Lives on after physical death
Jesus conquered death when he was resurrected
It is suggested that Abraham and Moses live on in a spiritual realm
Many believe it is having a soul that separates us from other creatures
And God "Breathed into his nostrils the breath of life"
Genesis 2:7
God "Created man in his own image"
Does this mean our souls are in God's image?
What Plato said about the soul
It is like a chariot driver
Horses and chariot are the mind and body
What St Francis of Assisi said about animals and souls
"Not to hurt the creatures is our first duty to them...
... But to stop there is not enough."
"We have a higher mission...
... To be of service to them whenever they require it."
Christians believe that God has given us the gift of free will
Christ's death opened the gates of heaven...
This means at all people MIGHT be saved.
However, you can reject this because of free will.
If you choose to accept and follow Jesus, you can gain salvation...
... And go to heaven.
Ceremony marking the end of a person's life
Series of rites/rituals
Christian funerals
If a person is dying, they can confess their sins to a Minister
Anointed with oil of Unction
This is consecrated each year by a bishop
Bible reading - reflects Christian views of afterlife
Commonly John 11:25
Said for both deceased and family
Given by vicar, priest or relative/friend
Remembers the life of the deceased
Some Christians celebrate the Eucharist during the service
Reminds of Jesus' death and resurrection
Gives hope for eternal life
Body is buried or cremated
"Ashes to ashes, dust to dust; in sure and certain hope or resurrection to eternal life"
Suggested hymns or songs can be sung
Quotes to include
"He will come again to judge the living and the dead"
Apostles Creed
Parousia or second coming
Return or Christ to Earth
Coincides with Day of Judgement
Parable of the Sheep and the Goats
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