The Crucible Characters and Relationships


A Level English Mind Map on The Crucible Characters and Relationships, created by 10kestertons on 27/04/2015.
Mind Map by 10kestertons, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by 10kestertons over 9 years ago

Resource summary

The Crucible Characters and Relationships
  1. John Proctor
    1. Realistic/ logical - wants to reject the system but aware of the consequences
      1. Sceptical but prepared to acknowledge the bible's authority
        1. 'I have wondered if there be witches'
          1. Confusion - essential decency in conflict with the religious dogma that has been indoctrinated into their society
            1. Heretical/ Unorthodox views and opinions
            2. Wary so witholds anger, unlike Elizabeth
              1. Equivocates when questioned
                1. 'such a court' - hints of his true feelings are seen
                  1. Finally damns the whole system at the end of Act 3 - 'we will burn together!'
                    1. Has been building up to this outburst - courageous - non-conformist
                    2. Values his honour
                      1. Integrity
                        1. By the end, values personal integrity more than public reputation
                          1. 'My name' is a metaphor for his integrity
                        2. Allegorical of moral goodness, humanity, redemption
                          1. One flaw which proves to be fatal - affair with Abigail
                            1. He related to John Proctor, who, in spite of an imperfect character, was able to fight the madness around him.
                            2. Abigail Williams
                              1. Still in love with Proctor
                                1. Wants revenge on Elizabeth for throwing her out and so she can have John for herself
                                  1. Unmarried orphan - low down in society
                                    1. The trials empower her - previously she has been completely powerless
                                      1. McCarthy
                                      2. Has been sexualised due to her affair with Proctor (and dancing/ devil worship_ - no longer wants to be suppressed
                                        1. Blames Proctor for giving her 'knowledge' - sexual experience - and then rejecting her
                                          1. 'took me from my sleep... put knowledge in my heart'
                                            1. Repression now coming out in grudges, paranoia, anger, continued lust
                                              1. Disturbed
                                                1. Represents repressed sexual/ material desires of the Puritans in Salem -
                                                2. Elizabeth Proctor
                                                  1. Refuses to believe in witchcraft
                                                    1. Emphatic about this - 'I cannot believe'
                                                      1. More courage than Proctor at this point
                                                        1. Foreshadowing of her later courage?
                                                      2. A cold character, especially towards her husband, John Proctor
                                                        1. She 'cannot lie'
                                                          1. Except when it comes to protecting her husband - she lies about his affair with Abigail to try and save him - love over honesty
                                                            1. Ends up prevaricating under the pressue and eventually tells a complete lie
                                                              1. Also deceiving herself?
                                                            2. Thinks highly of herself - knows she is a good and well respected woman
                                                              1. Represents good Christian women who are victims of the distorted legalistic theocracy
                                                                1. Puritanical stereotype but becomes more 'human' as the play progesses - acknowledges her flaws
                                                                2. Not at peace with herself until she spends time alone in prison and realises how cold she has been towards Proctor - she finally manages to forgive him and let go of her anger
                                                                3. John and Abigail
                                                                      1. Proctor is unable to forgive himself for the affair
                                                                        1. Overwhelming feelings of guilt and regret
                                                                      2. John and Elizabeth Proctor
                                                                            1. Proctor willingly sacrifices his good name in order to protect his wife
                                                                              1. Their relationship is cold and lacking in affection and passion
                                                                                1. Elizabeth tells a lie for the first time to protect her husband
                                                                                  1. Despite the situation, they still deeply love each other
                                                                                    1. Hugely significant as she acts against her own nature to try and save her husband
                                                                                    2. Both seem to feel guilty
                                                                                      1. John for having an affair with Abigail when his wife was sick
                                                                                        1. Elizabeth for being cold and shutting her husband out - eventually comes to blame herself for his affair
                                                                                          1. 'It needs a cold wife to prompt lechery'
                                                                                          2. 'It come naught that I should forgive you, if you´ll not forgive yourself'
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