Apocalyptic Nightmare


Year 10 IT Mind Map on Apocalyptic Nightmare, created by Henry Kent on 22/09/2020.
Henry Kent
Mind Map by Henry Kent, updated more than 1 year ago
Henry Kent
Created by Henry Kent over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Apocalyptic Nightmare
  1. Characters
    1. Player
      1. First-Person
        1. Old Tattered Government Uniform
        2. Shadow
          1. Lurks / Moves About
        3. Locations
          1. Forest
            1. Damaged, Well Trodden Clearings
              1. Leads to Bunker
              2. Night Time
              3. Bunker
                1. Old Radio
                  1. Crates
                    1. Radioactive Warning Symbols
                    2. Shelves
                      1. Old (Broken) Torch
                        1. Documents
                          1. ID of Sheriff
                            1. Old Newspaper
                            2. Broken Mirror
                          2. Colours
                            1. Reds
                              1. Greys/Blacks
                              2. Mission
                                1. Find Out What Happened
                                  1. Find Evidence
                                  2. Explore
                                  3. Scenery / Props
                                    1. Thick Trees
                                      1. Cult Symbols
                                        1. Star?
                                          1. Cross?
                                            1. Original Symbol?
                                            2. Dead Body
                                            3. Character Tools
                                              1. Flashlight
                                                1. Provides Limited Vision
                                                2. Crowbar
                                                  1. Camera
                                                    1. 'Send' Button
                                                      1. Never Revealed Who It Is Sent To
                                                  2. Style/Genre
                                                    1. Horror
                                                      1. Thrilling
                                                        1. Gory
                                                          1. Adventure
                                                            1. Apocalyptic
                                                            2. Backstory
                                                              1. Radioactive Explosion Killed All Within 100 Miles
                                                                1. Government Person Was Investigating Radioactive Store, When Radioed By Sheriff
                                                                  1. Government Person = Player
                                                                Show full summary Hide full summary


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