Topic 1 - Couples


Topic 1 - Couples
Mike Cardona
Mind Map by Mike Cardona, updated more than 1 year ago
Mike Cardona
Created by Mike Cardona almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Topic 1 - Couples
  1. Division of labour.
    1. Parsons (1955) Instrumental and expressive roles.
      1. Young and Willmott (1962): Men are now doing more domestic tasks and women are now becoming wage earners.
        1. The roles of men and women are 'natural'.
          1. Feminists believe roles are not natural. They argue that it only benefits men.
        2. Elizabeth Bott (1957) Joint and segregated conjugal roles.
          1. Young and Wilmott (1950s): Found that WC families in Bethnal Green had segregated conjugal roles.
            1. Males not involved with house roles. They spend time with other male friends. Females would do house work and help other female relatives.
          2. Young and Wilmott (1973) The symmetrical family.
            1. 'March of progress' view on the history of the family. Roles are more similar.
              1. -Women now go out to work. -Men now help with housework and childcare. -Couples now spend more time together than separately.
                1. Feminists reject this view. Argue that men an women remain unequal.
                  1. Oakley (1974): Argues that their claims are exaggurated.
                    1. Men's 'help' could be simply taking the children for a walk.
                      1. She found that men would participate more in childcare as it's more fun.
                      2. Boulton (1983): Fewer than 20% of husbands had major roles in childcare.
                      3. Ward and Hetherington (1993): Men only do 'female' tasks when their partner were not around to do them.
                      4. Reasons for rise of symmetrical families


                        • 1) Changes in women's position. 2)Geographical mobility. 3)New technology 4)Higher standards of living.
                      5. Oakley (19th century) the rise of the housewife role
                        1. Rise of factory production led to the separation of paid work.
                          1. Housewife role was socially constructed.
                        2. The impact of paid work.
                          1. Gershuny (1994) the trends towards equality.
                            1. Women working full-time is leading to a more equal division.
                              1. Sullivan (2000): Studies found that men did more domestic labour than before.
                                1. Crompton (1997): Earnings remain unequal.
                                2. Silver (1987) and Schor (1993) The commercialisation of housework.
                                  1. Housework has become 'commericialised'.
                                    1. Goods that housewives previously had to produce themselves are now mass-produced.
                                    2. Women working means they can afford the goods.
                                      1. Poorer women cannot afford goods.
                                      2. The dual burden.
                                        1. Ferri and Smith (1996) Found that increased employment of women had little impact on the domestic division of labour.
                                          1. Lydia Morris (1990) Found that unemployed men saw domestic work as feminine so it was avoided.
                                        2. Recources and decision-making in household.
                                          1. Domestic violence.
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