Adjustment process


Map of adjustment process
Mind Map by giachernika, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by giachernika almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Adjustment process
  1. Involvement with a child
    1. High
      1. Counting entire time one is at home
        1. Exaggerating contribution
        2. Day-to-day activities
        3. Low
          1. Mother's lot
            1. Compensation
              1. Works and provides resources
              2. Cannot give mother's love
              3. Helping spouse
                1. Cooperation
                  1. Prevention of breakdown
                2. Time with a spouse
                  1. Child took away youth
                    1. Wanting more
                      1. Understanding, patience
                        1. Rationalization
                      2. Enough
                      3. Time for oneself
                        1. Friends
                          1. Less time
                            1. Less desire
                            2. Hobbies and activities
                              1. Not enough time
                                1. Enough time
                              2. Work
                                1. More work
                                  1. "Workaholism"
                                  2. Same amount of work
                                    1. Different attitude
                                      1. Have to work more
                                        1. Working for family
                                      2. Being inexperienced
                                        1. Searching resources
                                          1. Positive thinking
                                            1. Persuading oneself
                                          2. Hardest period
                                            1. Physical
                                              1. Tiredness
                                                1. Not enough of sleep
                                                2. Psychological
                                                  1. Exhaustion
                                                    1. "Torture"
                                                      1. "Running away"
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