Writing a CV


Mind map on writing a CV, based on resources from Kenny Ross, Novus Advise.
Paul Jamrozy
Mind Map by Paul Jamrozy, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Alison Trueman
Created by Alison Trueman over 4 years ago
Paul Jamrozy
Copied by Paul Jamrozy over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Writing a CV
  1. Personal Details
    1. Your name in bold
      1. Your contact details
        1. address
          1. mobile number
            1. email address
          2. Personal Profile Statement
            1. skills
              1. qualities
                1. experiences
                  1. career goals
                    1. ambitions
                      1. short
                        1. (5 lines)
                        2. punchy
                          1. Revlevant
                            1. real world examples
                              1. positive
                                1. specific
                                2. Achievements
                                  1. awards won
                                    1. promotions
                                      1. trained others
                                        1. completed projects
                                          1. on time
                                            1. under budget
                                            2. Increased sales figures
                                              1. saved time
                                                1. new and efficient methods
                                                  1. new tools
                                                  2. qualifications gained
                                                    1. good results
                                                      1. in tests
                                                        1. in exams
                                                      2. Education
                                                        1. Schools
                                                          1. College
                                                            1. University
                                                              1. Exams passed
                                                                1. Most recent first
                                                                2. Employment
                                                                  1. Company name
                                                                    1. start and end dates
                                                                      1. Job title
                                                                        1. duties and responsibilities
                                                                        2. Qualifications
                                                                          1. issuer/training provider
                                                                            1. level
                                                                              1. validity/expiry date
                                                                              2. Skills
                                                                                1. abilities
                                                                                  1. what makes you right for the job
                                                                                  2. Hobbies and Interests
                                                                                    1. groups
                                                                                      1. clubs
                                                                                        1. sports
                                                                                          1. music
                                                                                            1. crafts
                                                                                            2. References
                                                                                              1. full name
                                                                                                1. Title/position
                                                                                                  1. Work address
                                                                                                    1. telephone number
                                                                                                      1. email address
                                                                                                      Show full summary Hide full summary


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