Fluid Of Inflammation


Doctorate Pathology Mind Map on Fluid Of Inflammation, created by melian.yates on 24/09/2013.
Mind Map by melian.yates, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by melian.yates almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Fluid Of Inflammation
  1. 1) Suppurative/ Purulent
    1. Neutrophils dominate (dead and alive)
      1. Dead host cells
        1. Often bacterial in origin
          1. May become walled off by granulation or fibrous tissue
            1. Abscess
              1. Localized area of Liquefactive necrosis
            2. Empyema
              1. Accumulation of pus in a body cavity
                1. (Particularly within the pleural cavity)
                  1. Pyothorax
            3. 2) Fibrinous
              1. Forms as a result of increased vascular permeability
                1. (fibrinogen escapes)
                  1. Thrombin (acts on fibrinogen)
                    1. fibrin
                  2. Yellow, soft coagulum (on top of tissues)
                    1. Thin Eosinophilic meshwork
                      1. Acute (Vs. Fibrosis (chronic))
                      2. 3) Serous
                        1. Fluid + albumen + plasma proteins (protein rich, low cells)
                          1. Early event
                            1. E.g. Blisters, serous arthritis, peritonitis
                            2. 4) Mucous/ Catharral
                              1. When mucous hypersecretion accompanies inflammation
                                1. Often in respiratory and GI tracts (where mucous secreting cells prominent)
                                  1. Ex. Nasal discharge
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