Diagnosis of Headaches


Optometry Aamira Valli Mind Map on Diagnosis of Headaches, created by Aamira Valli on 12/04/2020.
Aamira Valli
Mind Map by Aamira Valli, updated more than 1 year ago
Aamira Valli
Created by Aamira Valli over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Diagnosis of Headaches
  1. ONSET; Gradual/Chronic/ Recurrent
    1. Tension HA
      1. 80% population get them. Has no ocular impact.
        1. SX: tight band HA daily which is worse at end of day. bilateral. increases with work/stress mild - moderate intensity. can last 30 mins - 7/7 days recurrent. has no nausea/vomiting or photophobia.
          1. Routine Referral to GP / Exercising Helps / If no RX correction needed then refer to GP
      2. Asthenopia HA
        1. SX: HA linked to use of both eyes. frontal pain linked to RX or decompensated phobia. can be due to fatigue, HA occurs after close work usually dull but can last hours. visual rest helps. gets worse as day goes on.
          1. Signs: 1. Uncorrected RX - hyperboles and presbyopia due to excess ciliary muscle used. myopia and astigmatism due to excess squinting. 2. Decompensated phobia due to poor CT recovery, low AoA or accommodation weakness.
            1. Linked to RX or decompensated phoria. Solve uncorrected RX or prisms to help
        2. Migraine
          1. Do all tests and match up SX to migraines then Routinely Refer PX to GP
            1. 2-15% of population
            2. Hypertension HA
              1. SX: onset after exercise. Bilateral over whole head or on top. moderate - severe HA. throbing/pounding with spontaneous recovery.
                1. Check retinal blood vessels and other tests, then refer to GP for HBP check.
              2. Sinusitus HA
                1. Due to recent respiratory tract infection
                  1. Has no ocular sx's
                    1. SX of: Sharp pain at sinus, pain worse on bending, cough and sneezing. worse on palpitations.
                      1. Check Sx's and refer via GP
              3. ONSET: Acute/Rapid
                1. Cluster HA
                  1. Do Tests and check SX's, risk factor = Males. Refer Routinely too GP. Vision is Unaffected.
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