

A Levels Work (MobileMonday) Mind Map on ExamTime, created by Domhnall Murphy on 19/09/2013.
Domhnall Murphy
Mind Map by Domhnall Murphy, updated more than 1 year ago
Domhnall Murphy
Created by Domhnall Murphy over 11 years ago

Resource summary

  1. The Technology
    1. Ruby
      1. Ruby on Rails
      2. Javascript
        1. JQuery
          1. Backbone.js
            1. Raphael.js
              1. wysihtml5.js
            2. The Idea
              1. Direct to the end user
                1. Students
                  1. Teachers
                  2. Learning communities
                    1. Social support/features
                      1. Sharing
                      2. Complete platform
                        1. All you need for exam prep
                          1. A repository for study materials
                            1. Be the best website/platform for creating and sharing learning resources
                          2. The Product
                            1. 4 apps for for building study aids
                              1. Mind Maps
                                1. Flash Cards
                                  1. Quizzes
                                    1. Notes
                                    2. Tools organisation
                                      1. Subject/Topic
                                        1. Calendar and goals
                                        2. Learning community
                                          1. Connect with friends
                                            1. Join groups
                                              1. Communicate
                                                1. Discussions
                                                    1. Private messaging
                                                    2. Share resources
                                                    3. Web app only
                                                      1. What about mobile?
                                                      2. The Company
                                                        1. Development center Belfast
                                                          1. 2 designers
                                                            1. 1 tester
                                                              1. 7 developers
                                                              2. Background
                                                                1. Started in Aug 2011
                                                                  1. Parent company SAMI
                                                                    1. Other products
                                                                      1. Edvance: School admin
                                                                        1. S4S
                                                                  Show full summary Hide full summary


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