Harriet Tubman


Mind Map on Harriet Tubman, created by 24Alandus on 18/09/2013.
Mind Map by 24Alandus, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by 24Alandus over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Harriet Tubman
  1. Why is she important?
    1. Harriet Tubman is important because she lead slaves in the underground railroad
    2. Who was Hariet Tubman
      1. Harriet Tubman was a slave that escaped from the south and became a leading abilitionists
      2. How did Harriet Tubman become a hero?
        1. Harriet Tubman led hundreds of slaves from the North to freedom and she also created the Underground Railroad.
        2. Where did Harriet Tubman live and work
          1. Harriet Tubman orriginally live din Maryland and escaped to Phlidelphia
          2. When did Harriet Tubman live
            1. Harriet Tubman was born in 1820 and died March 10, 1920
            2. What did Harriet Tubman do
              1. HArriet Tubman was a Civil Rights actavist and created the underground railroad
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