

Mind Map on textanalysis, created by anjaelmdust on 18/02/2015.
Mind Map by anjaelmdust, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by anjaelmdust almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

  1. composition
    1. the text is about/deals with/is concerned with
      1. the title /heading hints at the theme/suggests/indicates the subject of mater
        1. the subject is introduced in
          1. the subject is developed in
      2. composition
        1. a theme/pattern runs throughout the text
          1. the story has an abrupt opening/an open ending
            1. at the beginning of the text/at the end of the text/in the course of the action
            2. paragraphs/parts/divisions/subdivisions/sections
            3. style
              1. the text is written in a plain/clear/factual/matter of fact/powerful/formal/informal/casual/emotional style
                1. the writer ceates/achieves/ a feeling/mood/tone by means of/through his use of a....style
              2. choice of words
                1. to use/to employ
                  1. to use a word/expression in the literal/figurative, pejorative sense
                    1. a word implicitly means/expresses/alludes to sth.
                      1. to use a technical term from the field of/to use neologism/outdated expressions
                  2. syntax
                    1. short and simple/long and complex sentences
                      1. to use syntactical parallelism
                        1. to be identical in structure
                          1. to use inversion/anaphora/repetition
                            1. words/sentences are arranged in a certain pattern
                    2. effect
                      1. a text has an effect on the reader/appeals to the readers feelings/imaginations/strikes the reader by/provokes the reader by
                        1. a sentence stirs the readers curiosity
                          1. the reader is able to identify with the situation/with a character
                            1. to keep the reader in suspense/to be exciting/thrilling
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