Hero's Journey


This shows a hero's journey in any story. This is similar to a plot diagram but is in more depth.
Niat Habtemariam
Mind Map by Niat Habtemariam, updated more than 1 year ago
Niat Habtemariam
Created by Niat Habtemariam about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Hero's Journey
  1. Ordinary World
    1. This is the world where usual routine happens.
    2. Call to Action
      1. The signal that adventure may begin is revealed to the Hero.
      2. Refusal to call
        1. The Hero doesn't want to go on the adventure and is feeling of recluctance.
        2. Meeting the Mentor
          1. The event in which the Hero decides if they will do the adventure (overcoming fear.)
          2. Crossing the Threashold
            1. The point at which Hero crosses into the "special world."
            2. Test Allies and Enemies
              1. The experiment that tests who is on what side, The Hero's Side vs. The Enemy.
              2. Approach the Cave
                1. The Hero must do this in order to prepare for the supreme ordeal.
                2. Supreme Ordeal
                  1. The Hero actually dealing with the important situation in the story.
                  2. Reward
                    1. The Hero is impacted, usually in a positive way at the end and given s
                    2. The Road Back
                      1. The journey back to the ordinary world.
                      2. Resurection
                        1. The Hero is tested on what they learned; they are "born again."
                        2. Elixer
                          1. This is what the hero brings back something that the other characters benifit from.
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