JC People in History


People in History for every chapter for Junior Certificate/ Cycle
Ayushi Mahajan
Mind Map by Ayushi Mahajan, updated more than 1 year ago
Ayushi Mahajan
Created by Ayushi Mahajan over 5 years ago

Resource summary

JC People in History
  1. Archaeology:
    1. An archaeologist at work.
    2. Ancient Ireland:
      1. A person living in an ancient civilisation in Ireland.
        1. A monk in an early Christian monastery.
        2. Ancient Rome:
          1. The Middle Ages:
            1. The Renaissance:
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                    Acids and Bases
                    Sarah Egan
                    The Circulatory System
                    Shane Buckley
                    Junior Cert Physics formulas
                    Sarah Egan
                    Introduction to the Atom
                    Derek Cumberbatch
                    Common Irish Words
                    Statistics Key Words
                    Culan O'Meara
                    Weimar Revision
                    Tom Mitchell
                    Hitler and the Nazi Party (1919-23)
                    Adam Collinge
                    History of Medicine: Ancient Ideas
                    James McConnell
                    GCSE History – Social Impact of the Nazi State in 1945
                    Ben C