

My mindmap detailing our use of Wix to create our Lucid City's website
Mind Map by d08mamac, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by d08mamac about 10 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Pros
    1. The clear layout of the editing tools made it easy to navigate
        1. Editing tools along the top and side of the page, shown in the picture above
        2. We had some creative freedom
          1. The website gave us a basic template but we were able to personalise elements such as the layout of posts and the colour scheme
          2. It did not require us to have any knowledge of coding to build the website
            1. This meant that I learned quickly how to use Wix and found it easy to edit the website over the course of production
            2. Due to Wix being online, we could edit our website from any computer (at school or at home)
            3. Cons
              1. Only one person could edit the website at a time, regardless of which page they were on, as otherwise it would not save properly
                1. Our creativity was slightly limited by the templates that the website offered. For example, we could not have made a website with a similar design to Beyonce's, as we had originally brainstormed.
                  1. Beyonce's website design
                    1. Our website design
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