

GCSE English Mind Map on Class, created by Azlan Naeem on 16/08/2019.
Azlan Naeem
Mind Map by Azlan Naeem, updated more than 1 year ago
Azlan Naeem
Created by Azlan Naeem about 5 years ago

Resource summary

  1. "Arthur you're not supposed to say such things,"Mrs Birling, Act 1
    1. Reflects a hint of her knowing that she is her Husband's social superior.
      1. Much more boisterous than a woman in patriarchal 1912 society as she is correcting her husband
        1. She demonstatres with her interactions with Mr B that she understands etiquette
        2. "Now Arthur, I don't think you ought to talk about business on an occasion like this," Mrs Birling, Act 1
          1. Priority is meant to be celebrating the union of the socially superior Gerald and Sheila
            1. Keeps reminding her husband of social rules - keeps talking about business
              1. Ironic how so much effort put into being 'seen' as matching to the conforms of an upper class dinner parties but doesnt show the basic standard on fairness and responsibility when Eva needs her help
                1. Priestley is critiquing the priorities for Mrs B as focusing too much on how others in their class might see them. Mr B is shown to also relentlessly bring up business
                2. "It was simply a piece of gross impertinence... that was one of the things that prejudiced me against her case," Mrs Birling - Act 2
                  1. "AS if a girl of that sort would ever refuse money,"
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