Reconstituted Families


Family Diversity - Types of Family Diversity (yellow booklet)
Kirsty White
Mind Map by Kirsty White, updated more than 1 year ago
Kirsty White
Created by Kirsty White almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Reconstituted Families
  1. Haskey
    1. Married or cohabiting couple with dependent children - at least 1 not biologically related to both partners.
    2. De'ath & Slater
      1. These families face no. of challenges
        1. Children have to negotiate relationships between various adults & could be tension & conflict between them & step-siblings.
      2. De'ath & Slater and Allen & Crow
        1. Research into the tension found boundaries are unclear - especially when there's still contact between kids and non-residential natural parent.
          1. ↑ may explain why half of all remarriages which form a step family end in divorce.
            1. It's argued - as this family type becomes more common - new norms will develop = clarifies roles within it & so reduces tensions.
        2. Evaluation
          1. Research tends to focus on the problems
            1. Bedell - argues it also offers new opportunities
            2. Generalisations should be made with care
              1. Step families are SO diverse, huge variations in relationships within the families & their relationships with other kins.
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