Othello's tragic flaw


English Mind Map on Othello's tragic flaw, created by lucy.moffatt on 02/09/2013.
Mind Map by lucy.moffatt, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by lucy.moffatt over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Othello's tragic flaw
  1. A simple mistake can make them loose everything the possess
    1. How Othello makes a perfect tragic hero
      1. He holds himself in an important role in venice
        1. Well respected, admired by all
          1. With external influences and his tragic fall, he makes a dramatic fall from grace
            1. "The Valiant Moor" "The brave moor" "our great captain"
            2. He is just dumb and blind to Iago's evilness and manipulation working against
              1. "My friend; thy husband, Honest Iago"
              2. This quote shows his rapid downfall: "O then Othello, that were't one so good, fallen in the practice of a damn slave"
                1. " And yet I fear you, for you are fatal then"
                2. Othello eventually realises his mistakes. All Othello's elements of tragedy give the audience a sense of pity and remorse for Othello
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