Inductive Learning & Teaching


An overview of inductive teaching methods, philosophy, and research. Also referred to as Inquiry guided learning.
Johnny Woods
Mind Map by Johnny Woods, updated more than 1 year ago
Johnny Woods
Created by Johnny Woods almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Inductive Learning & Teaching


  • Concept Map Based On...
  1. Foundations
    1. Constructivism
      1. Epistomology: "Reality" and "Truth" are Co-Constructed and Re-Constructed


        1. Proponents: Kant, Vico, Dewy, Bruner
        2. Cognition Research
          1. Proponents: Bransford et al.


            1. Findings: "All new learning involves transfer of information based on previous learning"
              1. Design learning environments with Prior Knowledge in mind.
                1. Uncover misconceptions
                  1. Diagnostic Teaching
                    1. 1. Discover what Students think about problems
                      1. 2. Identify & Discuss/Explore Misconceptions
                        1. 3. Provide situations to re-test ideas in relation to misconceptions
              2. Motivation = Percieved Usefulness
                1. Transfer of Knowledege = Similarity of Environments
                  1. Developing Metacognitive Skills = Greater Transfer of Learning
                  2. Intellectual Development Research
                    1. Perry: Schema of Intellectual and Ethical Development


                      1. Learning: Student Approaches
                        1. 1. Surface
                          1. "I will soak up my professors knowledge like a sponge."
                          2. 2. Deep
                            1. "How is this connected to other things I know!?"
                              1. "Can other novel problems or issues be addressed?"
                                1. Promote
                                  1. Background Knowledge or Context
                                    1. Teaching Methods
                                      1. Active Engagement
                                        1. See "Methods"
                                        2. Assessments
                                          1. Emphasis on Conceptual Understanding
                                      2. 3. Strategic
                                        1. "What do I need to get an A?"
                                  2. Assessment & Evaluation
                                    1. Outcome Variables
                                      1. Implementaiton
                                        1. Instructor Experience
                                          1. Student Experience
                                            1. Student Intellectual Development
                                              1. See Perry Schema
                                              2. Good for Some Outcomes, Not Others
                                                1. Problem Based Learning
                                                  1. Factual Knowledge VS Critical Thinking
                                                2. Sorting Out Nested Method Effect
                                                  1. Experiential Learning, Constructivism etc
                                                  2. Inductive VS Deductive Study Difficult!
                                                3. Methods
                                                  1. Inquiry Learning
                                                    1. Key Components
                                                      1. Questions to be Answered
                                                        1. Problems to be Solved
                                                          1. Observations to be Explained
                                                          2. Outcomes
                                                            1. Formulate Good Questions
                                                              1. Identify, Collect, & Analyze Evidence
                                                                1. Present Results Systematically
                                                                  1. Analyze & interpret Results
                                                                    1. Formulate & Evaluate Conclusions
                                                                      1. "Umbrella" Catagory
                                                                        1. Other Methods Do these too
                                                                      2. Types
                                                                        1. Structured
                                                                          1. Questions & Outline to Solving
                                                                          2. Guided
                                                                            1. Problem Only
                                                                            2. Open
                                                                              1. Identify, Problem, Methode, & Solution
                                                                              2. Conformation*


                                                                                1. Questions, Outline, Solution
                                                                                2. POGIL
                                                                                  1. Process-Oriented-Guided-Inquiry-Learning
                                                                                    1. Student Get: Instructional Models (information/Data) & Guided Questions
                                                                                      1. Instructor: Facilitator
                                                                                        1. Example: NC State
                                                                                          1. SCALE UP


                                                                                            1. Student Centered Activities for Large Enrollment Programs
                                                                                    2. 81% More Effective Than Traditional - Shymansky et al.:
                                                                                      1. Best Used: Concrete Concepts
                                                                                      2. Problem Based Learning


                                                                                        1. Project Based Learning


                                                                                          1. Case Based Teaching
                                                                                            1. Discovery Learning
                                                                                              1. Just-In-Time Teaching
                                                                                              2. Getting Started
                                                                                                1. Learning Cycle Based Instruction
                                                                                                  1. Sequenced Activityes
                                                                                                    1. Thinking & Problem Solving
                                                                                                    2. Kolbs Experimental Lerning Cycle
                                                                                                        1. Example: STAR Legacy Module


                                                                                                          1. 1. Students Presented with Challenge
                                                                                                            1. 2. Students formulate initial thoughts
                                                                                                              1. 3. Perspectives & Resources Provided
                                                                                                                1. 4. Assessment Activities
                                                                                                                  1. 5. Expert Models and Solutions Provided
                                                                                                          2. Experiential Learning
                                                                                                            1. Learning Style Continuum
                                                                                                          Show full summary Hide full summary


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