

User has deleted their subject information Mind Map on Biology, created by Deleted user on 07/05/2019.
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Mind Map by Deleted user, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Katie Beard
Created by Katie Beard about 5 years ago
Katie Beard
Copied by Katie Beard about 5 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Respiration
    1. It is a chemical reaction in all cells
      1. Oxygen + Glucose -> carbon dioxide + water
        1. It occurs in every cell in the body
          1. Anaerobic and Aerobic Respiration
            1. Anaerobic respiration transfers energy from glucose to cells
              1. Anaerobic produces lactic acid
              2. Aerobic respiration is a chemical reaction that transfers energy to cells
                1. They both use glucose as the starting molecule
                  1. They both release energy
                    1. Both happen in the CYTOPLASM
                  2. Aerobic produces more energy
                    1. Lots of energy transfers in aerobic
                      1. Aerobic needs oxygen to work, however anaerobic doesn't
                  3. Glucose is needed for energy release
                    1. Ventilation or breathing involves movements of the ribs, intercostal muscles and diaphragm to move air into and out of the lungs: when we breathe in, we inhale when we breathe out, we exhale
                      1. Inhaling, when we inhale, changes in the diaphragm and ribcage reduce the pressure in the chest, and air moves into the lungs
                        1. Inhaling, when we inhale, changes in the diaphragm and ribcage reduce the pressure in the chest, and air moves into the lungs
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