

Mind map for male and female reproduction in detail
Kaylee Black93
Mind Map by Kaylee Black93, updated more than 1 year ago
Kaylee Black93
Created by Kaylee Black93 about 10 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Men
    1. Key Hormone Players
      1. Hypothalamus
        1. Anterior Pituiatry
          1. FSH
              1. Stimulates
                1. Needed for sperm formation
                2. LH
                  1. Testis
                    1. Seminiferous Tubles
                      1. Sertoli Cells (nurse cells)
                        1. Produces Inhibin
                          1. Regulates sperm production
                            1. Negative Feedback
                              1. Sperm
                                1. Meiosis


                                  • N=46 diploid N=23 diploid Alleles are shuffled and # of chromosomes are halved
                                  1. 2n
                                    1. N
                                      1. N
                                        1. N
                                        2. N
                                          1. N
                                            1. N
                                  2. Leydig Cells


                                    • Situated in between tubles
                                    1. Produce Androgens
                                      1. Testosterone
                                        1. Regulates LH secreation
                                          1. Negative Feedback
                                          2. Sperm production
                                            1. Decreased levels = Andropause
                                    2. Stimulates
                                  3. Posterior Piuitary
                              2. Women
                                1. Key Hormone Players
                                  1. Hypothalamus
                                    1. Anterior Pituitary
                                      1. FHS
                                        1. Overies
                                          1. ovarian follicle
                                            1. Maturation of eggs
                                              1. Meiosis
                                                1. 2N
                                                  1. N
                                                    1. X
                                                      1. X
                                                      2. N
                                                        1. X
                                                          1. N
                                                    2. Produces estrogen
                                                2. LH
                                                    1. Releases the egg
                                                      1. Forms Corpus Luteum
                                                        1. Produces estrogen
                                                    2. Posterior Pituitary
                                                Show full summary Hide full summary


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