Data Structures


AQA, ALEVEL, queues, lists, stacks, trees, graphs, hash, tables, dictionaries, vectors
Lyndsay Hope
Mind Map by Lyndsay Hope, updated more than 1 year ago
Lyndsay Hope
Created by Lyndsay Hope over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Data Structures
  1. Queues
    1. Lists
      1. Trees
        1. D: A Connected, undirected graph with no cycles
          1. Binary tree
            1. D: a rooted tree where each node has at most 2 children
            2. Uses:
              1. Rooted tree
                1. D: A tree with one node identified as root
              2. Graphs
                1. Hash tables
                  1. Vectors
                    1. Dictionaries
                      1. Key Words
                        1. Abstract Data Type (ADT)
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