The Seven Sacraments


AQA RS- Christianity and Beliefs
Aafreen Butt
Mind Map by Aafreen Butt, updated more than 1 year ago
Aafreen Butt
Created by Aafreen Butt almost 6 years ago

Resource summary

The Seven Sacraments
  1. baptism
    1. water and trinitarian formula
      1. recieving the holy spirit
        1. removal of original sin
          1. entry into the church
          2. confirmation
            1. laying on of hands by the bishop
              1. sealing the gifts of the holy spirit in person
                1. becoming and adult member of the church
                2. eucharist
                  1. bread and wine
                    1. spiritual feeding with the body and blood of christ
                    2. reconciliation
                      1. words of absolution
                        1. the forgiveness of sins
                        2. healing
                          1. anointing and laying on of hands
                            1. spiritual/physical healing
                              1. preperation for death
                              2. marriage
                                1. rings
                                  1. endless love between couple
                                    1. debate over whether its mandatory
                                    2. ordination
                                      1. the laying on of hands by the bishop
                                        1. special gifts of the holy spirit
                                          1. needed by a deacon or priest
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