Seamus Heaney


NCEA Level 3 ENL301 (Heaney) Mind Map on Seamus Heaney, created by serena_terehu on 11/11/2014.
Mind Map by serena_terehu, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by serena_terehu over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Seamus Heaney
  1. Themes autobiographical
    1. Family
      1. Father
        1. Digging
          1. choices, change, sacrifice, guilt
          2. Follower
            1. coming of age, life cycle, work ethic.
            2. Mid term break
              1. grief & coping & how that varies.
                1. intensified through....
                  1. enjambment
                    1. 'my mother held...'
                    2. rhythm
                      1. heartbeat
                        1. iambic beat
                          1. stanzas
                        2. euphemism
                          1. foreshadowing
                            1. knelling of bells
                            2. sound devices
                      2. Links out
                        1. Sam Hunt's poetry about his father
                          1. Michael Woods
                        2. Childhood experiences
                          1. Early Purges
                            1. loss of innocence
                              1. town and country in different perspective
                                1. emjambment
                                  1. sibilance
                                    1. juxtaposition
                                    2. Death of a naturalist
                                      1. control of (natural) environment
                                  2. Themes historical poems
                                    1. Requiem for the croppies
                                      1. the troubles
                                        1. Irish identity being suppressed
                                          1. the value of but still endures
                                        2. Pockets of great coats... And in august, the barley...
                                          1. cyclical structure
                                          2. the hillside blushed
                                            1. personification
                                            2. the preist lay in the ditches
                                            3. Limbo
                                              1. influence of the Catholic Church
                                                1. diminished status of women
                                                2. she waded in under - the sign
                                                  1. enjambment
                                                    1. like she's going to commit suicide, enjambment changes meaning and offers an alternative interpretation
                                                  2. he was a minnow with hooks - an illegitimate spawning
                                                    1. extended metaphor (minnow, spawning)
                                                  3. Bye child
                                                    1. influence of the Catholic Church
                                                      1. child abuse
                                                      2. solitudes, vigils, facts
                                                        1. Isaih
                                                          1. sins
                                                        2. little moon man
                                                          1. similies/ extended metaphor
                                                            1. little
                                                              1. endearing
                                                              2. moon man
                                                                1. alliteration
                                                                2. lunar distances, travelled beyond love
                                                              3. structure
                                                                1. stanzas, little boxes
                                                                  1. long and spindly, enduring
                                                              4. Themes bog poems
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