Al~Mulk (The Sovereignty)


facts about surah Al Mulk
Farah  Abid
Mind Map by Farah Abid , updated more than 1 year ago
Farah  Abid
Created by Farah Abid about 6 years ago

Resource summary

Al~Mulk (The Sovereignty)
  1. The Sovereign, Kingdom meaning Supreme full control over EVERYTHING
    1. Al ~Malik is from the same route letters (Meem, Laam, Kaaf)) which means to whom belongs the full authority/control over Heavens and Earths.
      1. We know Allaah is the controller because everything happens with His permission Allaah gives us example of birds flying in 67:19
      2. Makki surah
        1. Revealed early Makkah period before Prophet SallAllaahu Alaihi Wasallam migrated to Madina
          1. Travel and see everything belongs to Allaah 67:15
        2. This Surah has 30 verses
          1. It will defend the person till it has placed them in Jannah meaning it will argue (intercede) for them on their behalf.
            1. :Hadeeth: Abu Hurayrah RadhiAllaahu'anhu reports that Prophet SallAllaahu Alaihi Wasallaam said: There is a surah in the Qur'an with 30 VERSES which will intercede for its companion (one who reads it) until he is forgiven
            2. Protects person from punishment of grave
              1. Surah Al-Mulk is the 67th chapter of Al- Qur'an
                1. It starts the 29th Juzz
              2. Surah Al-Mulk talks about the Greatness of Allaah and the beautiful universe He has created - 67:01
                1. We learn about the life and death and that we will be tested in this world. Also what will happen to believers and disbelievers in the hereafter
                  1. Allaah has made the 7 Heavens and He has created the lowest Heaven (sky) for us with beautiful lamps (stars)
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