Nazi Germany 1933-1934


History - Hitler Germany 1933-1944 Mind Map on Nazi Germany 1933-1934, created by scottbeagan on 06/10/2014.
Mind Map by scottbeagan, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by scottbeagan about 10 years ago

Resource summary

Nazi Germany 1933-1934
  1. The reishtag fire (February 27th 1933)
    1. The General election (March 5th 1933)
      1. The enabling act (March 23rd 1933)
        1. The local Goverment (April 26th 1933)
          1. Trade unions (May 2nd 1933)
            1. Concordat (June 20th 1933)
              1. Political parties (July 14th 1933)
                1. Peoples court (April 24th 1934)
                  1. The night of the long knives (30th June 1934)
                    1. The Fuhrer (August 19th 1934)
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