A Streetcar Named Desire


A mindmap of everything that is needed for the A2 Drama exam in regards to A Streetcar Named Desire.
Tyler Ebanja
Mind Map by Tyler Ebanja, updated more than 1 year ago
Tyler Ebanja
Created by Tyler Ebanja almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

A Streetcar Named Desire
  1. Themes
    1. Sexual Desire
      1. Cigarette motif
        1. 'May I have a drag of your cig'
        2. 'Throws off her robe and slips into a flowered print dress'
          1. 'I was fishing for a compliment, Stanley'
            1. '[Slowly] Lay...her cards on the table'
            2. New Social Order
              1. The destruction of Belle Reve
                1. 'I'm not in anything I want to get out of'
                2. Power
                  1. Violence
                    1. 'Ape-like'
                      1. 'he heaves the package at her'
                        1. 'bellowing'
                      2. Gender
                        1. 'The hot trumpet and drums...sound loudly'
                          1. 'He smashed all the light bulbs with the heel of my slipper!'
                            1. 'I like an artist who paints in strong bold colours, primary colours. I don't like pinks and creams'
                              1. 'She didn't say nothing. That shut her up like a clam'
                              2. Fate
                                1. Mortality
                                  1. 'Incongruous to her setting'
                                  2. 'I am the king around here'
                                  3. Morality
                                    1. 'You're not clean enough to bring in the house with my own mother'
                                    2. Fantasy vs. Reality
                                      1. Fantasy
                                        1. 'I don't want realism...I want magic'
                                          1. 'We are going to pretend that we are sitting in a little artist's cafe on the left bank in Paris'
                                            1. 'I stayed at a hotel called the Tarantula Arms'
                                              1. Shep Huntleigh
                                                1. 'ghoul-haunted woodland of Weir'
                                                2. Reality
                                                  1. 'The headlight of the locomotive glares into the room as it thunders past'
                                                    1. 'Ha-ha! Do you hear me? Ha-ha-ha!'
                                                  2. Survival
                                                    1. Dependency
                                                      1. 'I have always depended on the kindness of strangers'
                                                        1. 'I can hardly stand it when he's away for a night'
                                                          1. 'Your fix is worse than mine'
                                                        2. Lyricism vs Brutality
                                                          1. Lyricism
                                                            1. 'I can't imagine a witch of a woman casting her spell over you'
                                                              1. 'Kiefaber, Stanley and Shaw have tied an old tin can to the tale of the kite'
                                                                1. 'Virgo is the Virgin'
                                                                  1. 'A young prince out of the Arabian Nights'
                                                                  2. Brutality
                                                                    1. [Booming]: Let's cut the re-bop!
                                                                      1. 'She sprays herself with her atomizer; then playfully sprays him with it...He slams it on the dresser.
                                                                        1. 'No ifs, no buts or and's'
                                                                      2. Human Nature
                                                                      3. Context
                                                                        1. Williams' life
                                                                          1. His hypermasculine Boyfriend Pancho
                                                                            1. Labotomised and Schizophrenic sister Rose'
                                                                              1. Alcoholic father. 'A raging drunkard'
                                                                                1. Called 'Miss Nancy' by his father because he never accepted his sexuality
                                                                                  1. 'Terrific crush on the female members of my family'
                                                                                    1. Homosexual man
                                                                                    2. New America
                                                                                      1. Ubermensch (Nietzsche)-the superior man.
                                                                                        1. The collapse of the Old South built upon slavery and the aristocracy.
                                                                                          1. The influx of the working class immigrants to the South
                                                                                            1. After WWII, the USA was in a better economic position than any other country.
                                                                                              1. “America has only three cities: New York, San Francisco, and New Orleans. Everywhere else is Cleveland.”
                                                                                              2. Tragedy
                                                                                                1. Amor Fati (Nietzsche)--the ability to accept one's past in order to have a meaningful future
                                                                                                  1. Classical
                                                                                                    1. Unities of time, space and action
                                                                                                      1. Hamartia
                                                                                                        1. Inexorablilty comes from harmatia
                                                                                                        2. Modern
                                                                                                          1. The life of the common man
                                                                                                            1. 'The underlying struggle is that of the individual attempting to gain his 'rightful' position in society' Arthur Miller
                                                                                                              1. Inexorability comes from the society in which we live in
                                                                                                          2. Plastic Theatre
                                                                                                            1. Costume
                                                                                                              1. 'white clothes'
                                                                                                                1. 'fluffy bodice'
                                                                                                                  1. 'necklace and earrings of pearl'
                                                                                                                    1. 'rhinestone tiara'
                                                                                                                      1. 'blue denim work clothes'
                                                                                                                        1. 'roughly dressed'
                                                                                                                          1. 'solid blues, a purple, a red and white check, a light green'
                                                                                                                            1. 'red satin robe'
                                                                                                                            2. Lighting
                                                                                                                              1. 'A light goes on behind the blind turning it blue'
                                                                                                                                1. 'The surrounding areas dim out as the interior is lighted'
                                                                                                                                  1. Paper Lantern
                                                                                                                                  2. Music
                                                                                                                                    1. Blue Piano
                                                                                                                                      1. Hot Trumpets
                                                                                                                                        1. Varsouviana Polka
                                                                                                                                          1. Loud Drums
                                                                                                                                          2. Staging
                                                                                                                                            1. 'the walls have become transparent'
                                                                                                                                              1. 'lurid reflections'
                                                                                                                                                1. 'she closes the drapes between the rooms'

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