Follower - Seamus Heaney


Year 10 English (15 Poems on Love and Relationships) Mind Map on Follower - Seamus Heaney, created by Neer Shah on 12/04/2018.
Neer Shah
Mind Map by Neer Shah, updated more than 1 year ago
Neer Shah
Created by Neer Shah almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Follower - Seamus Heaney
  1. "Shoulders globed like a full sail strung" (simile)
    1. Shows that he is powerful and strong enough to use the horses to plough
    2. "clicking" (onomatopoeia)
      1. Draws attention to his skill
      2. "An expert"
        1. He's skilled as well as strong
        2. "I stumbled"
          1. Emphasises the contrasts between the father's skill and the clumsiness of the son
          2. "he rode me on his back" (paternal imagery)
            1. Shows how they both had a good relationship
            2. "All I ever did"
              1. He felt like a failure for not learning how to plough
              2. "In his broad shadow"
                1. He felt like he was living in his father's shadow
                2. "tripping, falling, yapping" (rule of three verbs)
                  1. Emphasises the narrator's clumsy persistence
                  2. "stumbling" (role reversal)
                    1. The boy was stumbling before, yet now it's the father
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