What is Culture?


Intercultural Psychology Exam Notes Mind Map on What is Culture?, created by Jemimah Di Natale on 11/04/2018.
Jemimah  Di Natale
Mind Map by Jemimah Di Natale, updated more than 1 year ago
Jemimah  Di Natale
Created by Jemimah Di Natale about 6 years ago

Resource summary

What is Culture?
  1. Descriptive
    1. Behaviour
      1. Types of activities
      2. Historical
        1. Heritage
          1. Tradition
          2. Normative
            1. Norms
              1. Rules
              2. Psychological
                1. Learning
                  1. Problem solving
                    1. Attitude
                    2. Structural
                      1. Society
                        1. Organisational Elements
                        2. Genetic
                          1. Origins of culture
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