AS Design qua Purpose


Mind Map of Design qua Purpose
Mind Map by andrew_w_scholl, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by andrew_w_scholl over 10 years ago

Resource summary

AS Design qua Purpose
  1. William Paley (18th Century)
    1. Paley was a philosopher who believed that the parts of the universe were so intricately fitted together that there must be a designer. He believed that the universe had a purpose (eg. to sustain life), and that this purpose showed that God existed, and he was a designer - as it says in classical theism.
    2. Analogies
      1. A Watch
        1. Parts of a watch all seem to fit intricately together, and work meticulously. If somebody came across a watch they would assume that it had a watchmaker to produce it. It was created to serve the purpose of telling time. This is like the universe and God, according to Paley.
        2. A Television
          1. It shows evidence of purpose, complexity and design because the parts are fitted together in such a way to receive pictures and sound. The parts were put together like this to fulfill this function.
        3. Examples
          1. The Universe
            1. Some parts of the universe appear to fit together perfectly to achieve a specific function, like it was designed. Paley thought that to achieve this, it must have been designed for a specific purpose, not randomly. It must have been designed by God.
            2. The Human Eye
              1. Various parts of the eye cooperate in a complex way together, to produce sight. The eye was clearly designed for a specific purpose, to allow sight, which shows that there is an element of design for a purpose.
              2. The Lacteal System
                1. The number of teats/paps in each species is found to bear a proportion to the number of the young.
                2. The Ozone Layer
                  1. Arthur Brown (20th Century) stated that the ozone layer had a purpose of filtering UV rays, and said that that could not have come about by chance. It was designed for a purpose, to protect.
                    1. Problems: However, the ozone layer is not in perfect condition. Some ask how a perfect, divine deity produce something that would malfunction.
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